Position – Professor of Material Culture/Archaeology, Warren Wilson College

Warren Wilson College welcomes applicants for a faculty position in Material Culture/Archaeology. This is a full-time, junior-level position in an extended contract system with a 3-3 load beginning in August of 2022. The department of Sociology and Anthropology seeks candidates who undertake United States-based research into material cultures of inequality with a focus on historically marginalized communities (e.g. Black, Latinx/é, Indigenous, or immigrant populations). While the field of the PhD is open, we encourage candidates with a strong grounding in archaeological or applied anthropological perspectives. We are especially interested in scholars whose research and teaching employ empirical methods to address how objects and memory and/or the built and natural environment interact with structural inequities. The successful candidate will have access to our existing lab (currently an archaeology lab) with the possibility of developing a new vision for the space and its use. For more information, see: https://warren-wilson.breezy.hr/p/481a81f286bf-professor-of-material-culture
