Position – Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology/Program in Archaeology, Boston University

The Department of Anthropology and Program in Archaeology at Boston University invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) with a focus on the archaeological study of Native peoples of the Americas, beginning Fall 2021. They seek specialists in the material culture of precolumbian or early colonial Native peoples of North, Central, or South America. Indigenous approaches to archaeology are especially welcome. Preferred technical specialties include geospatial and digital methods of archaeological analysis, or bioarchaeology. For more information, see: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/17095?fbclid=IwAR3nZDmaZ_sJNPon-qtlUvIsN1ZbKj4EmskRQnrUtkQUQVMG-5itbIurIg0A
