Southeastern Archaeological Conference Election 2018

In order to extend the period of collaboration between the Editor and the Editor-elect, SEAC’s Executive Board has proposed that Article III, Section 3 of the organization’s Bylaws be amended. The proposed changes to SEAC’s Bylaws are in red below (additions, underlined in bold; deletions, struck-through in italics):

Section 3. The President-elect and the Journal Editor-elect shall be elected for a two year term, at the conclusion of which the President-elect will succeed to the Presidency to serve a two year term and the Journal Editor-elect will succeed to the Journal Editor to serve a two year term. The Secretary-elect, the Treasurer-elect, Journal Editor-elect, and the Social Media Editor-elect shall be elected in that order in succeeding years for a one year term at the conclusion of which they shall succeed to the offices of Secretary, Treasurer, Journal Editor, and Social Media Editor, respectively, to serve a three year term. The other two members of the Executive Committee shall be elected, one each year, for a term of two years.

In accordance with SEAC’s Bylaws, this proposed amendment is being sent to the members of the Conference for a vote. This vote is taking place as a special election so that if the amendment is approved, candidates for the next Editor-elect can be on the ballot for the regularly scheduled election of officers before the annual meeting.

The special election will be held April 23-May 25, 2018 by electronic ballot. For Family and Family Life members, individual ballots will be sent to the email addresses of the two people associated with the membership. In those cases where Family and Family Life memberships are associated with only one email address, those ballots will be counted twice.

Please take the time to vote. If you have any questions about the election procedure, contact SEAC Secretary Tony Boudreaux (

The election ends at 7:00 PM, May 25, 2018 (U.S. Eastern time).

For any technical difficulties with the ballot system, please contact Vote Now at or call (888) 993-9801.
