Volume 18 Number 2 Winter 1999



Hearing and Reading Southeastern Archaeology: A Review of the Annual Meetings of SEAC from 1983 through 1995 and the Journal Southeastern Archaeology
Cheryl Claassen, Michael O’Neal, Tamara Wilson, Elizabeth Arnold, and Brent Lansdell

The Production and Consumption of Mississippian Fineware in the American Bottom
Gregory D. Wilson

De Soto’s Itaba and the Nature of Sixteenth Century Paramount Chiefdoms
Adam King


Spindle Whorls and Fiber Production at Early Cahokian Settlements
Susan Alt

AMS Dates on Artifacts of the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex from Spiro
James A. Brown and J. Daniel Rogers

Archaeology, History, Fluvial Geomorphology, and the Mystery Mounds of Northwest Florida
Nancy Marie White, Joe Knetsch, and B. Calvin Jones

On the Potential of Archaeomagnetic Dating in the Midcontinent Region of North America: Toqua Site Results
Stacey N. Lengyel, Jeffrey L. Eighmy, and Lynne P. Sullivan


Knight and Steponaitis (eds.): Archaeology of the Moundville Chiefdom
Timothy Earle

Curry: Feast of the Dead: Aboriginal Ossuaries in Maryland
Donna C. Boyd

Mainfort and Sullivan (eds.): Ancient Earthen Enclosures of the Eastern Woodlands
H. Edwin Jackson

Van Tilburg and Babits (eds.): Maritime Archaeology: A Reader of Substantive and Theoretical Contributions
Brinnen Carter

King: Cultural Resource Laws & Practice: An Introductory Guide
Bruce E. Rippeteau

Shackel et al. (eds.): Annapolis Pasts: Historical Archaeology in Annapolis, Maryland
Amy L. Young

General Electric Company (eds.): Hopewell in Mount Vernon
Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.