Volume 42 Number 2 2023



The origins of engraved marine shell cups, copper repoussé plates, and ritual centers: disentangling early Cahokia symbolism from post-AD 1200 SECC iconography

Thomas Emerson

Reframing the question of Baytown food production: plant remains from the Oliver site, northern Yazoo Basin, Mississippi

Gayle J. Fritz & John M. Connaway

Perdiz arrow points from Caddo burial contexts aid in defining discrete behavioral regions

Robert Z. Selden & John E. Dockall

An evaluation of the distribution of imported lithics within the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta during the Poverty Point period

William A. Mitch

Book Review- edited by Benjamin A. Steere

Ashley E. Sharpe and John Krigbaum (eds.), Isotope Research in Zooarchaeology: Methods, Applications, and Advances, reviewed by Carol E. Colaninno