Volume 16 Number 1 Summer 1997



Specialization, Political Symbols, and the Crafty Elite of Cahokia
Timothy R. Pauketat

The Mississippian Succession on the Lower Ohio
R. Berle Clay

Igneous Lithics of Central Arkansas: Identification, Sources, and Artifact Distribution
Martha Ann Rolingson and J. Michael Howard


A Preliminary Report on the Archaeology of a New Mississippian Cave Art Site in East Tennessee
Jan F. Simek, Charles H. Faulkner, Susan R. Frankenberg, Walter E. Klippel, Todd M. Ahlman, Nicholas P. Herrmann, Sarah C. Sherwood, Renee B. Walker, W. Miles Wright, and Richard Yarnell

Giant Amerindians: Fact or Fantasy?
Mehmet Yasar Iscan and Morton H. Kessel

Reviews and Book Notes


Scarry (ed.): Political Structure and Change in the Prehistoric Southeastern United States
Jeanne E. Arnold

Jennings: Accidental Archaeologist: Memoirs of Jesse D. Jennings
Robert W. Neuman

Lewis, Lewis, and Sullivan: The Prehistory of the Chickamauga Basin in Tennessee
James W. Hatch

Griffin: Fifty Years of Southeastern Archaeology: Selected Works of John W. Griffin
Rebecca Saunders

Orser: A Historical Archaeology of the Modern World
Rochelle Marrinan

Carstens and Watson (eds.): Of Caves and Shell Mounds
Kenneth E. Sassaman

Lewis (ed.): Kentucky Archaeology
Cheryl Ann Munson

Reitz, Newsom, and Scudder (eds.): Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology
Cheryl Claassen

O’Brien: Paradigms of the Past: The Story of Missouri Archaeology
Bonnie W. Styles

Ledbetter: Archeological Investigations at Mill Branch Sites 9WR4 and 9WR11, Warren County, Georgia
Jay K. Johnson

Book Notes

The Moundville Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore; Archaeological Curatorship; Statistics for Archaeologists: A Commonsense Approach; Indian Art of Ancient Florida; Dogan Point: A Shell Matrix Site in the Lower Hudson Valley; TheMaking of Sacagawea: A Euro-American Legend

ISSN 0734-578X