Volume 13 Number 1 Summer 1994
The Occupational History of the Bessemer Site
Paul D. Welch
Mississippian Mound Refuse Disposal Patterns and Implications for Archaeological Research
Marvin T. Smith and Mark Williams
The Historical and Archaeological Context of Plum Bayou Culture in Central Arkansas
Michael S. Nassaney
Spatial Patterning on a Nineteenth-Century Appalachian Houselot: Evidence from Nail Analysis
Amy L. Young
A History of the Alabama Anthropological Society
Gregory A. Waselkov
Archaeological Records of the Roanoke Bass, Ambloplites cavifrons Cope, 1868 (Pisces, Centrarchidae)
Thomas R. Whyte
Jaffe: The First Immigrants from Asia: A Population History of the North American Indians
William F. Keegan
Webb (editor): The Petitt Site (11-Ax-253), Alexander County, Illinois
Thomas E. Emerson
Weisman: Excavations on the Franciscan Frontier: Archaeology at the Fig Springs Mission
Richard Vernon
Shapiro and McEwan: Archaeology at San Luis, Part One: The Apalachee Council House
Shapiro and Vernon: Archaeology at San Luis, Part Two: The Church Complex
Nancy Marie White
Keegan: The People Who Discovered Columbus: The Prehistory of the Bahamas
Ted L. Gragson
ISSN 0734-578X
Volume 13 Number 2 Winter 1994
Special Issue: Archaic Mounds in the Southeast
A Brief Introduction to the Study of Archaic Mounds in the Southeast
Michael Russo
Why We Don't Believe in Archaic Ceremonial Mounds and Why We Should: The Case from Florida
Michael Russo
The Tomoka Mound Complex in Northeast Florida
Bruce John Piatek
The Case for Archaic Period Mounds in Southeastern Louisiana
Rebecca Saunders
Four Archaic? Mound Complexes in Northeast Louisiana
Joe W. Saunders Thurman Allen and Roger T. Saucier
Preceramic Earthworks in Arkansas: A Report on the Poverty Point Period Lake Enterprise Mound (3AS379)
H. Edwin Jackson and Marvin D. Jeter
Before Their Time? Early Mounds in the Lower Mississippi Valley
Jon L. Gibson
Reviews and Book Notes
Nassaney and Cobb (eds.): Stability, Transformation, and Variation: The Late Woodland Southeast
John E. Kelly
Byrd (ed.): The Poverty Point Culture: Local Manifestations. Subsistence Practices and Trade Networks
David G. Anderson
Curren: Archeology In the Mauvila Chiefdom: Native and Spanish Contacts during the Soto and Luna Expeditions
Jeffrey M. Mitchem
Milanich and Hudson: Hernando De Soto and the Indians of Florida
William Green
Duggan and Riggs: Studies in Cherokee Basketry
Ruth Y. Wetmore
Johnson (ed.): The Development of Southeastern Archaeology
Robert C. Dunnell
Blitz: Ancient Chiefdoms of the Tombigbee
Martha A. Rolingson
Pauketat: Temples for Cahokia Lords: Preston Holder's 1955-1956 Excavations of Kunnemann Mound
John H. Blitz
Scarry (ed.): Foraging and Farming in the Eastern Woodlands
Gail E. Wagner
Kenmontsu and Perttula (eds.): Archeology in the Eastern Planning Region, Texas: A Planning Document
John R Hart
Book Notes
Prehistoric Peoples of South Florida; The Seminoles of Florida; The Ables Creek Site: A Protohistoric Cemetery in Southeast Arkansas: Whom We Would Never More See: History and Archaeology Recover the Lives and Deaths of African American Civil War Soldiers on Folly Island, South Carolina; Low Altitude Large Scale Reconnaissance: A Method of Obtaining High Resolution Vertical Photographs for Small Areas
ISSN 0734-578X
Volume 14 Number 1 Summer 1995
Comparative Paleoethnobotany of Three Native Southeastern Communities of the Historic Period
Kristen J. Gremillion
Nineteenth-Century Alibamu-Koasati Pottery Assemblages and Culinary Traditions
David H. Jurney and Timothy K. Perttula
Environmental and Osteological Analysis at the South Farm Site (22OK534), a Mississippian Farmstead in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi
S. Homes Hogue and Evan Peacock
Social Organization at Etowah: A Reconsideration of Paleodemographic and Paleonutritional Evidence
Robert L. Blakely
Scalping in the Archaic Period: Evidence from the Western Tennessee Valley
Maria 0. Smith
Investigations of Early Cordage from Bayou Jasmine, Louisiana
Jenna Tedrick Kuttruff, Marie S. Standifer, Carl Kuttruff and Shirley C. Tucker
Constantine Rafinesque and the Canton Site, a Mississippian Town in Trigg County, Kentucky
Charles Stout and R. Barry Lewis
Stoltman (ed.): Archaeology of Eastern North America: Papers in Honor of Stephen Williams
John H. House
Claassen (ed.): Women in Archaeology
Mary L. Kwas
Davis (ed.):Arkansas Before the Americans
Neal L. Trubowitz
Early (ed.): Caddoan Saltmakers in the Ouachita Valley
Jon Muller
Potter: Commoners Tribute and Chiefs: The Development of Algonquian Culture in the Potomac Valley
Timothy R. Pauketat
Rountree (ed.): Powhatan Foreign Relations 1500-1722
Alex Barker
McEwan (ed.): The Spanish Missions of La Florida
Stanley South
Book Notes
Predicaments, Pragmatics, and Professionalism: Ethical Conduct in Archaeology; Historic Louisiana Nails: Aids to the Dating of Old Buildings; A Grammar and Dictionary of the Timucua Language; Visitations and Revolts in Florida, 1656-1695; Prehistoric Adaptations to the Interior Uplands Environment of the Central South Carolina Coast
ISSN 0734-578X
Volume 14 Number 2 Winter 1995
The Faunal Record of the Southeastern Elite: The Implications of Economy, Social Relations, and Ideology H. Edwin Jackson and Susan L. Scott
Late Woodland Architecture on the Coast of North Carolina: Structural Meaning and Environmental Adaptation
Thomas C. Loftfield and David C. Jones
Magic and Empowerment on the Plantation: An Archaeological Consideration of African-American World View
Laurie A. Wilkie
Source Criticism and the Interpretation of African-American Sites
Brian W. Thomas
The Magnet Site (12PE171): A Late Paleoindian Site in Perry County, Southern Indiana
Edward E. Smith, Jr.
Neutron-Activation Analysis of Campbell Appliquéd Pottery from Southeastern Missouri and Western Tennessee: Implications for Late Mississippian Intersite Relations
Michael J. O'Brien, James W. Cogswell, Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., Hector Neff and Michael D. Glascock
Milanich: Archaeology of Precolumbian Florida
David S. Brose
Bense: Archaeology of the Southeastern United States: Paleoindian to World War I
Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.
Sassaman: Early Pottery in the Southeast: Tradition and Innovation in Cooking Technology
Clare McHale Milner
Anderson: The Savannah River Chiefdoms: Political Change in the Late Prehistoric Southeast
George R. Milner
Pauketat: The Ascent of Chiefs: Cahokia and Mississippian Politics in Native North America
C. Clifford Boyd, Jr.
Emerson, Fortier, and McElrath (eds.): Highways to the Past: Essays on Illinois Archaeology in Honor of Charles J. Bareis
Melvin L. Fowler
Green (ed.): Agricultural Origins and Development in the Midcontinent
Frances B. King
Hudson and Tesser (eds.): The Forgotten Centuries: Indians and Europeans in the American South 1521-1704
Gerald F. Schroedl
Shackel and Little (eds.): Historical Archaeology of the Chesapeake
Paul R. Huey
South (ed.): Pioneers in Historical Archaeology: Breaking New Ground
Hester A. Davis
Buikstra and Ubelaker (eds.): Standards for Data Collection from Human Skeletal Remains
Brenda J. Baker
Book Notes
Historic Indian Period Archaeology of Northern Georgia; Historic Indian Period Archaeology of the Georgia Coastal Zone; Situado and Sabana: Spain's Support System for the Presidio and Mission Provinces of Florida; Pottery from Spanish Shipwrecks 1500-1800; Florida's First People: 12,000 Years of Human History; Art of the Florida Seminole and Miccosukee Indians; Sharks and Shark Products in Prehistoric South Florida; Archaeological Investigations at Six Sites in the Apalachicola River Valley Northwest Florida; Canals and American Cities
ISSN 0734-578X
Volume 15 Number 1 Summer 1996
Mississippian Adaptation on the Northern Periphery: Settlement, Subsistence and Interaction in the Cumberland Valley of Southeastern Kentucky
Richard W. Jefferies, Emanuel Breitburg, Jennifer Flood and C. Margaret Scarry
A Study of Shell Beads and Their Social Context in the Mississippian Period: A Case from the Carolina Piedmont and Mountains
Larissa A. Thomas
The Weeki Wachee Mound, an Early Contact Period Mortuary Locality in Hernando County, West-Central Florida
Dale L. Hutchinson and Jeffrey M. Mitchem
Late Seventeenth-Century Forebears of the Lower Creeks and Seminoles
John H. Hann
The McLelland and Joe Clark Sites: Protohistoric-Historic Caddo Farmsteads in the Red River Valley of Northwest Louisiana
David B. Kelley, Donald G. Hunter, Paul S. Gardner, Daniel C. Weinand, Angela Tine and Larry L. Tieszen
Rogers and Smith (eds.): Mississippian Communities and Households
Charles R. Cobb
O'Brien: Cat Monsters and Head Pots: The Archaeology of Missouri's Pemiscot Bayou
Charles H. McNutt
Milanich: Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe
H. Trawick Ward
Carr (ed.): The Organization of North American Prehistoric Chipped Stone Tool Technologies
Larry R. Kimball
Beck (ed.): Regional Approaches to Mortuary Analysis
Leslie E. Eisenberg
Deagan (ed.): Puerto Real: The Archaeology of a Sixteenth-Century Spanish Town in Hispaniola
Charles R. Ewen
Bettis (ed.): Archaeological Geology of the Archaic Period in North America
Michael E Kolb
Book Notes
William Bartram on the Southeastern Indians; The Struggle for the Georgia Coast: An Eighteenth-Century Spanish Retrospective on Guale and Mocama; Owl Creek Mounds: Test Excavations at a Vacant Mississippian Mound Center; Fort Mose: Colonial America's Black Fortress of Freedom; South Carolina Antiquities: 25 Years of the ASSC and South Carolina Archaeology; Lost Cities of the Ancient Southeast; New Words, Old Songs: Understanding the Lives of Ancient Peoples in Southwest Florida Through Archaeology; The Domain of the Calusa: Archaeology and Adventure in the Discovery of South Florida's Past (video); Diversity and Complexity in Prehistoric Maritime Societies: A Gulf of Maine Perspective; Beyond Subsistence: Plains Archaeology and the Postprocessual Critique
In the review of Highways to the Past: Essays on Illinois Archaeology in Honor of Charles J. Bareis (Southeastern Archaeology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 202-203), the name of one of the authors is Witty (Charles O.), not Wittry.
ISSN 0734-578X
Volume 15 Number 2 Winter 1996
Medicinal Teas and Patent Medicines: African-American Women's Consumer Choices and Ethnomedical Traditions at a Louisiana Plantation
Laurie A. Wilkie
Household Organization and Refuse Disposal at a Cultivated Creek Site
Allan D. Meyers
Small-Scale Mississippian Community Organization in the Big Black River Valley of Mississippi
Karl G. Lorenz
Late Period Chronology in the Central Mississippi Valley: A Western Tennessee Perspective
Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.
Mississippian Ceramic Jars, Bottles, and Gourds as Compound Vessels
George M. Luer
Joseph Caldwell's Summerour Mound (9FO16) and Woodland Platform Mounds in the Southeastern United States
Thomas J. Pluckhahn
The Shell Assemblage from Morhiss (41VT1), an Archaic Site on the West Gulf Coastal Plain
Helen Danzeiser Dockall and John E. Dockall
Continuity in Woodland and Mississippian Settlement Patterning in Northeast Mississippi
Janet Rafferty
The Nature and Timing of the Late Prehistoric Settlement of the Black Prairie in Northeast Mississippi: A Reply to Hogue, Peacock, and Rafferty
Jay K. Johnson
Settlement Pattern Continuity and Change in the Mississippi Black Prairie: A Response to Johnson
Evan Peacock and Janet Rafferty
Reviews and Book Notes
McNutt (ed.): Prehistory of the Central Mississippi Valley
Michael J. O'Brien
Brown: The Spiro Ceremonial Center: The Archaeology of Arkansas Valley Caddoan Culture in Eastern Oklahoma
Charles L. Rohrbaugh
Coe: Town Creek Indian Mound: A Native American Legacy
Kit W. Wesler
Hally (ed.): Ocmulgee Archaeology, 1936-1986
Christopher Peebles
Lyon: A New Deal for Southeastern Archaeology
Lynne P. Sullivan
Nassaney and Sassaman (eds.): Native American Interactions: Multiscalar Analyses and Interpretations in the Eastern Woodlands
John P. Hart
Galloway: Choctaw Genesis: 1500-1700
Janet Rafferty
Hann: A History of the Timucua Indians and Missions
Michael A. Pfeiffer
Grumet: Historic Contact: Indian People and Colonists in Today's Northeastern United States in the Sixteenth through Eighteenth Centuries
Marvin T Smith
Goldman-Finn and Driskell (eds.): Preliminary Archaeological Papers on Dust Cave, Northwest Alabama
Richard W. Jefferies
Odell (ed.): Stone Tools: Theoretical Insights into Human Prehistory
Martha A. Rolingson
Collins et al. (eds.): Pedological Perspectives in Archaeological Research
Jack Donahue
Book Notes
Middle and Late Archaic Archaeological Records of South Carolina: A Synthesis for Research and Resource Management; Lithic Resource Studies: A Sourcebook for Archaeologists; Calf Creek Horizon in Oklahoma; Site Destruction in Georgia and the Carolinas; Archaeological Site File Management: A Southeastern Perspective
ISSN 0734-578X
Volume 16 Number 1 Summer 1997
Specialization, Political Symbols, and the Crafty Elite of Cahokia
Timothy R. Pauketat
The Mississippian Succession on the Lower Ohio
R. Berle Clay
Igneous Lithics of Central Arkansas: Identification, Sources, and Artifact Distribution
Martha Ann Rolingson and J. Michael Howard
A Preliminary Report on the Archaeology of a New Mississippian Cave Art Site in East Tennessee
Jan F. Simek, Charles H. Faulkner, Susan R. Frankenberg, Walter E. Klippel, Todd M. Ahlman, Nicholas P. Herrmann, Sarah C. Sherwood, Renee B. Walker, W. Miles Wright, and Richard Yarnell
Giant Amerindians: Fact or Fantasy?
Mehmet Yasar Iscan and Morton H. Kessel
Reviews and Book Notes
Scarry (ed.): Political Structure and Change in the Prehistoric Southeastern United States
Jeanne E. Arnold
Jennings: Accidental Archaeologist: Memoirs of Jesse D. Jennings
Robert W. Neuman
Lewis, Lewis, and Sullivan: The Prehistory of the Chickamauga Basin in Tennessee
James W. Hatch
Griffin: Fifty Years of Southeastern Archaeology: Selected Works of John W. Griffin
Rebecca Saunders
Orser: A Historical Archaeology of the Modern World
Rochelle Marrinan
Carstens and Watson (eds.): Of Caves and Shell Mounds
Kenneth E. Sassaman
Lewis (ed.): Kentucky Archaeology
Cheryl Ann Munson
Reitz, Newsom, and Scudder (eds.): Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology
Cheryl Claassen
O'Brien: Paradigms of the Past: The Story of Missouri Archaeology
Bonnie W. Styles
Ledbetter: Archeological Investigations at Mill Branch Sites 9WR4 and 9WR11, Warren County, Georgia
Jay K. Johnson
Book Notes
The Moundville Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore; Archaeological Curatorship; Statistics for Archaeologists: A Commonsense Approach; Indian Art of Ancient Florida; Dogan Point: A Shell Matrix Site in the Lower Hudson Valley; TheMaking of Sacagawea: A Euro-American Legend
ISSN 0734-578X
Volume 16 Number 2 Winter 1997
A Re-examination of Natchez Sociopolitical Complexity: A View from the Grand Village and Beyond
Karl G. Lorenz
Coercion, Tribute and Chiefly Authority: The Regional Development of Mississippian Political Culture
Mark A. Rees
A Framework for the Middle-Late Holocene Transition: Astronomical and Geophysical Conditions
Joel D. Gunn
Mobility and Hunter-Gatherer Toolkit Design: Analysis of a Dalton Lithic Cache
John A. Walthall and George R. Holley
From Joara to Chiaha: Spanish Exploration of the Appalachian Summit Area, 1540-1568
Robin A. Beck, Jr.
Research Notes
A Comparison of Laboratory Results to Archaeological Data: Pottery Surface Treatments in Eastern Missouri
James W. Cogswell and Michael J. O'Brien
Reviews and Book Notes
Pauketat and Emerson (eds.): Cahokia: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World
Robert D. Drennan
Brain and Phillips: Shell Gorgets: Styles of the Late Prehistoric and Protohistoric Southeast
Jon Muller
Anderson and Sassaman (eds.): The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast
Lucinda J. McWeeney
Arnold: Emergent Complexity: The Evolution of Intermediate Societies
John F. Scarry
Purdy: How to Do Archaeology The Right Way
Ann M. Early
Jameson (ed.): Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths
Mary Inkrot
Shackel: Culture Change and the New Technology: An Archaeology of the Early American Industrial Era
Brent R. Weisman
Gibb: The Archaeology of Wealth: Consumer Behavior in English America
Lynne G. Lewis
Book Notes
Rock Art in Kentucky; Archaeological Investigation of the Dry Creek Site
ISSN 0734-578