Volume 30 Number 1 Summer 2011


Special Thematic Section. Geophysical Investigations of Late Prehistoric Sites Part II: Mississippian Centers

Geophysical Survey of Complex Deposits at Ramey Field, Cahokia
Michael L. Hargrave

A New Look at Kincaid: Magnetic Survey of a Large Mississippian Town
Brian M. Butler, R. Berle Clay, Michael L. Hargrave, Staffan D. Peterson, John E. Schwegman, John A. Schwegman, and Paul D. Welch

Recent Geophysical Investigations and New Interpretations of Etowah’s Palisade
Daniel P. Bigman, Adam King, and Chester P. Walker

A Town at the Crossroads: Site-Wide Gradiometry Surveying and Mapping at Old Ridge Site (3CG41) in Northeastern Arkansas
Jami J. Lockhart, Juliet E. Morrow, and Shaun McGaha


Ethnicity and Material Culture in Antebellum North Carolina
Lance K. Greene

Amphibian and Reptilian Imagery in Caddo Art
Elsbeth Linn Dowd

Stable Isotope Analysis and Diet in Eastern Oklahoma
J. Daniel Rogers

Why Wall Trenches?
Susan M. Alt and Timothy R. Pauketat

Determining the Season of Mississippian House Construction from Plant Impressions in Daub
Jennifer L. Seltzer and Evan Peacock


A Reassessment of the Chronology of Mound A at Toqua
Shannon D. Koerner, Lynne P. Sullivan, and Bobby R. Braly

Mapping Never-Never Land: An Examination of Pinson Mounds Cartography
Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., Mary L. Kwas, and Andrew M. Mickelson

A Zooarchaeological Synthesis of South Carolina’s Prehistoric Coastal Sites
Andrea Palmiotto

Enclosing Their Immortal Souls: A Survey of Two African American Cemeteries in Georgetown, South Carolina
Christina Brooks


Cobb (ed.), Stone Tool Traditions in the Contact Era, reviewed by Robert J. Austin

Clune and Stringfield, Historic Pensacola, reviewed by Deborah L. Bauer

Little, Historical Archaeology: Why the Past Matters, reviewed by Thomas E. Beaman Jr.

Neumann, Sanford, and Harry, Cultural Resources Archaeology: An Introduction, Second Edition, reviewed by Anthony Michal Krus

Gramly (ed.), Palaeo-Americans and Palaeo-Environment at the Vail Site, Maine, reviewed by Steven R. Kuehn

Sinibaldi,What Your Fossils Can Tell You: Vertebrate Morphology, Pathology, and Cultural Modification, reviewed by Steven R. Kuehn

Rafferty and Peacock (eds.), Times River: Archaeological Syntheses from the Lower Mississippi Valley, reviewed by Jayur Madhusudan Mehta

Hally, King: The Social Archaeology of a Late Mississippian Town in Northwestern Georgia, reviewed by Christopher B. Rodning

Knight (ed.), The Search for Mabila: The Decisive Battle between Hernando de Soto and Chief Tascalusa, reviewed by Marvin T. Smith

Mattick, A Guide to Bone Toothbrushes of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries, reviewed by Jennifer M. Cantu´ Trunzo