Volume 3 Number 2 Winter 1984



The Identification and Use of Context Types in Urban Archaeology
Patrick H. Garrow
The Draft of York River in Virginia: An Artifact of The Seventeenth Century
Martha W. McCartney
Let Us Praise Famous Men, Accurately: Toward A More Complete Understanding of Postbellum Southern Agricultural Practices
Charles E. Orser, Jr. and Claudia C. Holland
A Reconstruction of Early Historical Island Carib Pottery
Louis Allaire
Six Papers in Honor of William H. Sears:
William H. Sears, Southeastern Archaeologist: A Tribute
James B. Griffin
South Appalachian Mississippian: Politics and Environment in the Old, Old South
Leland G. Ferguson and Stanton W. Green
An Information-Theoretic Approach to the Analysis of Cultural Interaction in the Middle Woodland Period
Roy S. Dickens, Jr. and Martin D. Fraser
Behavioral Correlates of Population Growth: A Speculative Example from the Middle Chattahoochee
Timothy A. Kohler
Cultural Occupation of the Georgia Coastal Marsh
Karl T. Steinen
Prehistoric Environmental Exploitation Around Lake Okeechobee
H. Stephen Hale


Archives Corner


Albert: An Archeological Survey Along the Red River
Dee Ann Story
Lees and Kimery-Lees (editors): Guide To Contractors
M. Katherine Jones
Willett and Brackner: Traditional Pottery of Alabama
Linda F. Carnes


ISSN 0734-578X