Volume 19 Number 1 Summer 2000



Strangers in Paradise? Recognizing Ethnic Mortuary Diversity on the Fringes of Cahokia
Thomas E. Emerson and Eve Hargrave

The Material Culture of Precolumbian Fishing: Artifacts and Fish Remains from Coastal Southwest

Karen J. Walker

Time, Space, and Marker Types: James A. Ford’s 1936 Chronology for the Lower Mississippi Valley
Michael J. O’Brien, R. Lee Lyman, and John Darwent

Burial Practices, Mortality, and Diet in East-Central Mississippi: A Case Study from Oktibbeha County
S. Homes Hogue


An Aptly Named Steamboat: Clarence B. Moore’s Gopher
Charles E. Pearson, Thomas C. C. Birchett, and Richard A. Weinstein

Avocational Education through “Dig Bingo!”
William B. Lees


Mullins: Race and Affluence: An Archaeology of African America and Consumer Choice
Timothy E. Baumann

Ward and Davis: Time Before History: The Archaeology of North Carolina
Paul S. Gardner

O’Brien and Lyman: Seriation, Stratigraphy, and Index Fossils: The Backbone of Archaeological Dating
William S. Dancey