Volume 13 Number 2 Winter 1994


Special Issue: Archaic Mounds in the Southeast

A Brief Introduction to the Study of Archaic Mounds in the Southeast
Michael Russo

Why We Don’t Believe in Archaic Ceremonial Mounds and Why We Should: The Case from Florida
Michael Russo

The Tomoka Mound Complex in Northeast Florida
Bruce John Piatek

The Case for Archaic Period Mounds in Southeastern Louisiana
Rebecca Saunders

Four Archaic? Mound Complexes in Northeast Louisiana
Joe W. Saunders Thurman Allen and Roger T. Saucier

Preceramic Earthworks in Arkansas: A Report on the Poverty Point Period Lake Enterprise Mound (3AS379)
H. Edwin Jackson and Marvin D. Jeter

Before Their Time? Early Mounds in the Lower Mississippi Valley
Jon L. Gibson

Reviews and Book Notes


Nassaney and Cobb (eds.): Stability, Transformation, and Variation: The Late Woodland Southeast
John E. Kelly

Byrd (ed.): The Poverty Point Culture: Local Manifestations. Subsistence Practices and Trade Networks
David G. Anderson

Curren: Archeology In the Mauvila Chiefdom: Native and Spanish Contacts during the Soto and Luna Expeditions
Jeffrey M. Mitchem

Milanich and Hudson: Hernando De Soto and the Indians of Florida
William Green

Duggan and Riggs: Studies in Cherokee Basketry
Ruth Y. Wetmore

Johnson (ed.): The Development of Southeastern Archaeology
Robert C. Dunnell

Blitz: Ancient Chiefdoms of the Tombigbee
Martha A. Rolingson

Pauketat: Temples for Cahokia Lords: Preston Holder’s 1955-1956 Excavations of Kunnemann Mound
John H. Blitz

Scarry (ed.): Foraging and Farming in the Eastern Woodlands
Gail E. Wagner

Kenmontsu and Perttula (eds.): Archeology in the Eastern Planning Region, Texas: A Planning Document
John R Hart

Book Notes

Prehistoric Peoples of South Florida; The Seminoles of Florida; The Ables Creek Site: A Protohistoric Cemetery in Southeast Arkansas: Whom We Would Never More See: History and Archaeology Recover the Lives and Deaths of African American Civil War Soldiers on Folly Island, South Carolina; Low Altitude Large Scale Reconnaissance: A Method of Obtaining High Resolution Vertical Photographs for Small Areas

ISSN 0734-578X