Volume 21 Number 2 Winter 2002


Special Thematic Section:

Frontiers, Backwaters, and Peripheries: Exploring the Edges of the Mississippian World

edited by Adam King and Maureen S. Meyers

Exploring the Edges of the Mississippian World
Adam King and Maureen S. Meyers

The Early Mississippian Frontier in the Lower Chattahoochee-Apalachicola River Valley
John H. Blitz and Karl G. Lorenz

The Pulcher Tradition and the Ritualization of Cahokia: A Perspective from Cahokia’s Southern Neighbor
John E.Kelly

A Critical Appraisal of Middle Mississippian Settlement and Social Organization on the Georgia Coast
Thomas J. Pluckhahn and David A. McKivergan

On the Periphery of the Early Mississippian World: Looking Within and Beyond Northeastern Florida
Keith H.Ashley

The Mississippian Frontier in Southwestern Virginia
Maureen S. Meyers

The Burke Phase: A Mississippian Frontier in the North Carolina Foothills
Robin A. Beck, Jr., and David G. Moore

Fort Ancient/Mississippian Interaction on the Northeastern Periphery
David Pollack, A. Gwynn Henderson, and Christopher T. Begley

Creek Chiefdoms at the Temporal Edge of the Mississippian World
Adam King


A Petrographic Study of Moundville Palettes
Cynthia Whitney, Vincas P. Steponaitis, and John J. W. Rogers

The Occurrence of Greenstone at Late Period Sites in Northeast Arkansas
Daniel G. Gall, Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., and Rita Fisher-Carroll

Identification of Feathers in Textiles from the Craig Mound at Spiro, Oklahoma
J. Daniel Rogers, Caria J. Dove, Marcy Heacker, and Gary R. Graves

Replication of Textile Dyeing with Sumac and Bedstraw
Amanda Jo Thompson and Kathryn A. Jakes

Wallace Bottom: A Colonial-Era Archaeological Site in the Menard Locality, Eastern Arkansas
John H. House


Michem (ed.). The East Florida Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore, and Milanich (ed.). Famous Florida Sites: Crystal River and Mount Royal, reviewed by Virgil Roy Beasley

Michem (ed.). The West and Central Florida Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore, reviewed by Thomas E. Penders

Pauketat, et al.. The Archaeology of Downtown Cahokia: The Tract-ISA and Dunham Tract Excavations, reviewed by Gregory D. Wilson

Genheimer (ed.). Cultures Before Contact: The Late Prehistory of Ohio and Surrounding Regions, reviewed by Robert C. Connolly

Smith, et al.. Archaeological Investigations of Site 40WY87, Wayne County, Tennessee, reviewed by Todd M. Ahlman


Bioarchaeology at Coweeta Creek: Continuity and Change in Native Health and Lifeways in Protohistoric Western North Carolina
Patricia M. Lambert