Volume 11 Number 2 Winter 1992



Vertebrate Fauna from Seventeenth-Century St. Augustine
Elizabeth J. Reitz

A Reinterpretation of Late Archaic Adaptations in Central-East Florida: Groves’ Orange Midden (8-Vo-2601)
Michael Russo Barbara A. Purdy Lee A. Newsom and Ray M. McGee

Excavations at the Jordan Site (16MO1), Morehouse Parish, Louisiana
Tristram R. Kidder

Ambushes, Raids, and Palisades: Mississippian Warfare in the Interior Southeast
Karl T. Steinen


The South Carolina Heritage Trust Ranking System for Archaeological Site Acquisition
Steven D. Smith and Christopher Judge


Emerson and Lewis (eds.): Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest
James B. Griffin

Winter: Madoc
Winter: Madoc’s Hundred
Kit W. Wesler

Jones, Hann, and Scarry: San Pedro y San Pablo de Patale: A Seventeenth- Century Spanish Mission in Leon County, Florida
Roger T. Grange, Jr.

Smith and McManamon (eds.): Archaeology and Education: The Classroom and Beyond
Katherine Jones Garmil

ISSN 0734-578X