Call for Nominations – Lifetime Achievement Award

The SEAC award for lifetime achievement consists of a handsome plaque and recognition at the annual business meeting. The award is given to a senior scholar who has made significant and sustained contributions to southeastern archaeology during her/his career. The nomination is in the form of a letter from a person (or persons) who knows the nominee well. A curriculum vitae should be included if it is not readily available on the internet. Multiple letters of support are both welcomed and encouraged, and may be in hardcopy or electronic form. The selection committee consists of George Sabo III (chair ), Lucretia Kelly, and Martha Zeirden.

Please send nominations to George Sabo III, chair of the selection committee, by JUNE 30, 2015.

George Sabo III
Department of Anthropology
University of Arkansas
Old Main 330
Fayetteville, AR 72701
(479) 575-2508
